Free Cognitive Behavioral Therapy (CBT) Course

Cognitive Behavioral Therapy, or CBT for short, is a therapeutic approach that addresses a person’s thinking patterns and behavior. It is often used to help promote positive behavior and manage negative thoughts. It is a great tool that many therapists, including myself, utilize on a regular basis. Recently I took out the time to create…

Last Call For Free CBT Course

Hi y’all! I previously wrote a post regarding access to the online cognitive behavioral therapy course that I developed and I’m alerting everyone one last time about the current promotion going on. If you weren’t aware, I’m sending everyone on my mailing list a code for free access to the course on the Udemy platform….

A Tip For Managing Stress – Put The Glass Down

On a wall in my office there is a sheet of paper that is pinned up on a board. This paper has a short story that is related to how we tend to manage stress throughout the day. It’s very simple, but I find it to be a nice piece of imagery and it can…

Advice Versus Guidance in Therapy

“What do you think I should do?”. If I had a nickel for every time I heard this question in therapy I would be writing this post from my own personal island. Client’s often feel lost, confused, and conflicted. They may be attending therapy to find the answers to very difficult questions. They may feel…

Never Say This To A Teen Or Young Adult Battling Depression

Recently I was in session with a teenage client and their mother had joined for part of it. This client has been struggling with social issues, isolation and poor self-esteem, among other issues. The client’s mother appears to be a good parent with good intentions, however, she made a familiar statement during the session, a…

How You Can Use A White Board To Improve Mood and Motivation

There are few tools that have the versatility and ease of use as a white board. Your brain might automatically jump to boring, unbearable office meetings, but do not fret! White boards can be used in a variety of fun, productive ways. Many of these uses can help to improve mood, motivation and even manage…

One Simple Yet Powerful Statement To Help Resolve Conflict Peacefully

Most people are not strangers to arguing with a loved one. Altercations occur between family and friends all of the time, you’ve probably even seen a few unpleasant arguments unfold in public. The reasons vary but they tend to play out the same way. There’s usually some trigger that lights the fuse, it sparks and…

The Most Ironic Phobia Ever

There are a TON of phobias out there because, well, people can be afraid of literally anything. A fear of ants? Myrmecophobia. A fear of chins? Geniophobia. A fear of vampires? Sanguivoriphobia. It is the truth, there is a phobia for anything and everything you can possibly think of. Phobias should not be taken lightly,…

A Technique To Help Children Clean Up After Themselves

Children are messy. They get paint on the walls, their toys all over the floor, crayons on the table, you name it. “How many times do I have to tell you!” you might hear a parent scream after multiple failed attempts to have their child pick up their toy dinosaurs. It can be very frustrating,…

Hey Parents, Video Games Don’t Have To Be Evil

Children attend therapy for all kinds of reasons. I counsel children to help address their traumas, depression, anxiety, social problems, ADHD and the list goes on. Most times, parents have to be involved in the therapy because, obviously, they are a huge component in the child’s mental health, alongside being their physical caretakers. There’s a…